
Sunday, 31 August 2014

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Importance of Sleep: How Sleep Ties Your Health And Body Together

Body and mind are connected. Food is necessary to ensure that the body works and goes to sleep is essential to keep in mind. Huh, good sleep plays an important role in health. In fact, sleep depending on your health and body together. If your mind and body from the ground if you have enough sleep to be fresh. Health and body together to determine how links sleep, importance of sleep and how it benefits the body is important to know.
The following points to the importance of sleep and how to sleep on one's health and body is what binds together, sleep will help you to understand how it affects your body.

The importance of sleep

1. Good Healthy

Sleep health, as well as scientists have discovered that it is very important for your body. Insufficient sleep can lead to serious health problems. The connection between sleep and health. Getting proper sleep helps to keep the body healthy. Sleep makes the new thinking and your mind will help keep your body in shape. This will lead to better health. Contact your health and body I had a dream.

2. Improve Memory

A Comfortable, good night's sleep improve memory. Engage your mind remains asleep. This is a busy time learning skills alert, strengthen memories. This is to be happy with these tasks helps the body to stabilize your mind. This concept clearly learned everything from sleep to perform them and helps your mind to remember that your body is doing.

3. Immune Let You Live long

Life how much sleep you are connected. Natural life span shorter than doing too much or too little sleep. Therefore, you should get enough sleep. The resistance increases and help you to live longer. Sleep helps to combine overall health and body, and how it is binding on them.

4. Affects Inflammation

Sleep studies were found to depend bloodstream. If you get enough sleep, you will have high blood levels of inflammatory proteins. It will also keep your body healthy and prevent disease. Improving blood pressure and inflammation, sleep, health and body are interconnected.

5. Injuries reduces pain and recovery

Sleep helps you to recover any injuries. You can restore yourself to sleep properly. In addition, the disease can get to sleep very soon. Also, make it less painful. If you sleep properly for pain, is difficult. Link between sleep loss and pain in the lower part. Proper sleep is a form of pain relief because of this.

6. Sleep sharpen attention and Creativity

Sleeping in the right way can sharpen your attention. If you have enough sleep study says it could be more attentive. Comment and sleep are connected. If you are tired, you lose your attention. In addition, you can add your creativity with proper sleep.

7. Weight

Sleep health and body weight by controlling bonds. You can look at the pressures of getting enough sleep. If you sleep less, you will have to live weight. It all depends on the behavior. When you're tired enough sleep lowers leptin levels and high-fat foods will help your body does not have to ask you, and so on, running, healthy cooking because I have no energy to do the work.

8. Sub-goals

Sleep reduces stress levels and helps to good health. Stress always be determined by the proper health of the body. If you are under stress, you can not do any business. It also prevents the daily operations and success.

9. To avoid unexpected injury

If you have enough sleep, to avoid unexpected injury. Less sleep than an accident, can lead to an accident or other injury. So sleep to prevent injuries and can help keep your body healthy.

10. clear mind and a better mood

Getting enough sleep gives a clear mind and a better mood. Interested in a good work mood and body may have become healthier.

As you can see now, the dream is very important, and health and can affect the body in a wide range of benefits. Contact your health and body I had a dream. So what do I do? Yes, we need enough sleep to stay healthy and effective.

Monday, 12 May 2014

4 Home Remedies for Lower Back Pain That Work

Do you feel pain in the lower part of your back when you’re sitting, lying or try to bend your waist? If yes, probably you’re suffering from Lower Back pain. As a consequence of lower back pain, you will be unable to carry on your daily work and even usual movements. Here are some effective home remedies for lower back pain that will help you to get relaxed from back pain quickly.

Causes of lower back pain

Generally, lower Back Pain can be happened from your uncomfortable sitting position, Irregular body movements and sometimes from unexpected weight lifting. You may ask, should you go to the physician for back pain from these kind of unusual happenings. No, I would say. You can handle this kind of back pain at home.
If you’ve got back pain from a certain injury, medicinal side effects, numbness in your leg, groin, family history of osteoporosis, and back surgery or back injury you must have to consider going to the doctor as soon as possible to treat it.
The following home remedies for lower back pain will be enough to treat your back pain if it comes up with some regular symptoms.

Home Remedies for Lower Back Pain

Very often you may feel unusual lower back pain if you work on the desk for so long while throughout the day. Sometimes, it happens because of your uncomfortable sitting and even from the unfair sleeping style.
Cold Compress
In order to decrease swelling and inflammation, and to ease the discomfort apply a cold compress on the back whilst you’re in the rest. You can just wrap up some ice cubes in a cloth and compress it over your back. If you can’t do it alone ask someone to help you. Cold compress is the effective home remedy for relieving back pain.
Epsom salt bath
Hot Epsom salt bath is very useful home remedy for lower back pain. What all you need is, fill your bath tub with warm water and add 4 teaspoon Epsom salt. Let it get dissolved. Then have a hot salt bath. Stay at least half an hour to get the full benefits of Epsom salt.
Rest First
Whenever you feel back pain, first of all you should go to rest until you feel okay. It takes an hour normally but sometimes, it may take more than 12- 15 more hours to get better if the pain is so serious. Then you can get back to your regular job when you feel better. Remember, rest is the first and foremost home remedy for back pain.
Ginger tea is one the effective home remedies for back pain. It’s advisable that take ginger tea twice a day or as much as possible.  Ginger tea amazingly works as anti inflammatory and reduces pain.

Quick Tips

  • Avoid or change the habits or postures that cause pain
  • Be careful when you’re bending, lifting and reaching
  • Remember your sleeping style. Sleep on your side instead on the back or chest.
  • Heat or Ice therapy should be your first AID.

Sunday, 6 April 2014

How To You Losing Weight Off 12 More Important 12 Tips

Are you overweight and concerned about how to shed off some of your weight? Losing weight is not a miracle that can just occur overnight, however there are numerous natural remedies and tricks that works quite fast and effectively. What You Enjoy giving and oes healthy Habits to Medicines gelmez.ayurve can stop into the body and natural Medicines for Weight Loss MANY home remedies . Also, a take one day at a time, do not what's so hard on yourself. These healthy Habits stick time, THEY Would what the natural course of events holl day and one day passing mirror, back up and see a Big Difference in Weight Loss and can trust.

1. Lifestyle Changes :  If the changes in dietary lifestyle, however, is changing your habits - and long-term / continued success and maintenance're put pressure on yourself. Steps to lose weight and take on the greatest flexibility, as well as to ensure proper discipline and fruit weight loss system requires adequate effort. Do not tell anyone you have a diet - ever. Each of these, tantalize the taste buds, providing a tasteful balance. This healthy system supports adding spices, to our daily diets, which contain anti-viral, anti-bacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. I speak from experience here - the low-carb revised.

2. Green Tea : Green tea has been very importent your health with weight. green tea excess fat cells and release the body to burn the balance of these chemicals called catechins, which has proven reason why. Green tea is used in cancer research, as well as type 2 diabetes is important for safe drinking. Mini Meals, along with drinking 2-3 cups a day will provide an environment to shed pounds inches.

3. Frozen Meals : If your schedule only allows for a quick meal, then 1 dose, weight loss, use a frozen dinner. The frozen meals to choose from many popular brands available, but to find the right best indicator 200-350 calories are in the range of at least 800 grams saturated fat content less than 4 milligrams sodium, 3 and -5 meals include include include grams of fiber.

4. Garcinia Cambogia : The fruit flavor enhances many amazing recipes that are used to preserve food and its shell is being used to actually speeds up weight loss. If you are a constant food cravings, appetite, helps prevent Garcinia Cambogia is used to make soup. It can be used as complementary and grip. Garcinia Cambogia feelings associated with bad eating habits allow many people to sleep naturally increases levels of serotonin, the mood-changer at the same time be good or provide a sense of movement since. Second hydroxycitric acid supplement also prevents obesity, is associated with Garcinia Cambogia, is rich in vitamin C Vrikshamal. 

5. Replacement White Foods : The white part carbohydrate diet every day is especially important to gain weight. For example, sugar, white rice or white flour, whole grain bread and brown rice and white foods like bread made ​​change.

6. Cumin : Cumin flavors not only of our recipes, but there are too many fat burning stored fat in products considered edilir.vücut, so to avoid weight loss properties of cumin. This helps the normal functioning of the digestive system cleansing the blood, increases your metabolism and stop swelling. This small meals to aid in digestion and add ¼ cup cumin flavor, rich in vitamin C, an antioxidant. Seeds, extracts, tablets and powder: Cumin is available in the form below.

7. Massage: A gentle massage down the dermis and fat tissue to break up, skin temperature issue can oluşturur.tok (skin, fat and muscle diary) hierontaa.kojelaut on the lymphatic system is to be moved by toxic substances thrown out and smooth the skin to give the appearance of oxygen content increases, has been forced to relax. Self-massage with essential oils or creams are easy yapılabilir.masaj, then gradually build internal tissues of moisturizing effect and helps to flush out the unhealthy fat deposits drinking a glass of water.

8. Aloe Vera Herbs / Juice: We have more fat and lose weight through various activities. Daily intake equivalent of Aloe Vera Juice Aloe Vera so that oil, our liver, stimulates the body's metabolic rate. Aloe Vera Juice owns or vegetable juice / fruit are taken about two ounces per day, working your way up to drinking eight ounces per day. This does not include side effects, non-toxic and safe to drink every day. Tablets also can be taken daily in Aloe Vera.

9. Keep the food simple : Paleo Diet is so simple you love?  Much like the next person, I love delicious gourmet meal, although it is easy to get carried away with the delicious Paleo recipes. Protein, meat or fish, starchy vegetables, whole foods, carbohydrates, lots of fruits and vegetables or as some healthy fats: Sticking to the basics of a healthy meal. If you are trying to lose weight, additional sweetener and have a bunch of extra ingredients, and on special occasions or a nice weekend to save the recipe for dinner, but we cook simple meals better.

10. Make Sure You Eat Enough : What makes it very special fight hunger or Paleo diet without counting calories can help you eat fewer calories than any other diet alone is more a feeling of fullness. Volunteers do not restrict calories in effective weight loss strategy, but, of course, try to eat less food is really the holy grail of weight loss. This is without counting calories to meet, eat and naturally what the typical American diet means eating less. This is one of the most popular Paleo diet is a weight loss diet is one of the main reasons why a good option.

11. Eat Plenty Of Carbohydrates To Support The Level Of Activity : I do not think need to restrict carbohydrates, even though I drink carbohydrates to make the amount of exercise for weight loss  game can be important, but not overexercising available and operational level that is sufficient to meet eat carbs with this analysis or muscle fatigue in case you can not lead. I had many patients, the use of pressure that seeks to break down the ramp and carbohydrates. Many even sweet potatoes and even small amounts of healthy options such as fruit, avoiding carbs completely eliminated. Unfortunately, it can often do more harm than good.

12. Do Not Make Your Own : Everything to try to make yourself one of the hardest parts about losing weight. Without social support for lifestyle changes for durables is not only difficult, but often unsustainable. Encourage you, and even make changes for you, very much, especially the Paleo diet clutch, any major lifestyle changes improve success of friends or family around. You recipes, plan partners to share physical activity and can encourage each other on the road to better health.

Thursday, 3 April 2014

How Health Benifits For Pomegranate Juices

Pomegranate, Punica granatum organic name, is widely appreciated by succulents. Also called a superfruit because of a variety of health benefits. Health benefits of pomegranate have been studied to determine Many studies and research. On the whole, successful study, scientists have found a number of benefits of taking pomegranate. Here are some important health benefits of pomegranates are.

8 Steps Health Benifits in Pomegranat  Juices.

1. Apple pomegranate juice :  Easy to quickly boost of energy and a healthy juice recipe. They should be emptied frequently and write when you get tired.
This position is a bet for a long time and in the summer starts to World, I thought I'd share this recipe juice. The fruit is known for its health benefits as well. K. apple pomegranate also a good source of vitamin C, and we all eat an apple a day keeps the doctor away hear how vitamin C and a good source of vitamin E in.

2. For cardiovascular disease : Diabetes, high blood pressure and reduce blood cholesterol levels, raising HDL cholesterol and body friendly cardiovascular diseases such as arthritis, treatment and prevention Pomegranate amazing development.

3. Rich in vitamins : Pomegranate is rich in vitamins and minerals . centavos vitamin A, B5, C and E, calcium, potassium and iron minerals useful as a pomegranate. All the benefits with vitamins and minerals, but also contains fibers in an amount of pomegranate.

4. Fight against cancer : According to Harvard Health Publications can, the minister of pomegranate juice to destroy cancer cells that are responsible for all material in this fruit helps to combat minister Pomegranate fruits.
5. Heart Care : Pomegranate has powerful antioxidants including polyphenols, tannins, and anthocyanins. All these antioxidants are very essential for the heart health. A study of Preventative Medicine Research Institute reports that pomegranate also decreases atherosclerosis.

6. Count Sperm :  Research mehu.tutkimus pomegranate pomegranate sperm count increased significant  successful has been reported that these rates giving them to examine sperm production is conducted on 28 male mice. A pomegranate supplement to increase sperm production are considered.

7. Weight loss : Gravitational force is known as a super fruit pomegranate. Pomegranate, not harmful to blood vessels and lowers LDL cholesterol increases blood flow throughout the body. Also, remove harmful toxins and helps to increase energy levels. The pomegranate helps to eliminate excess weight.

8. Skin Treatment : The vitamins, minerals and promoting beautiful young-looking skin because it contains powerful antioxidant pomegranate juice is effective to admire the beauty. In addition to the numerous health benefits of pomegranate skin care is an important advantage. 

Tuesday, 1 April 2014

How To Healths Benefits of Ginger Tea

Ginger is a common kitchen spice. It is widely used for its medicinal values ​​of many diseases. Known to drink ginger tea, ginger is also good. We often drink ginger tea health, but few of us know the benefits and medicinal value. Ginger this addition, vitamin B, etc. Includes anti-fungal, anti-analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-tussive, many natural compounds C and D of these spices, iron, zinc, magnesium, copper-rich -, etc.
Ginger Tea for Common Health Problems For stomach ache : 
Ginger tea can also be used to treat abdominal pain. Ginger helps to relieve pain and to calm the stomach helps to reduce the effects of tea. At the same time, in this way indirectly, will avoid abdominal pain improves absorption of food. 
Ginger Tea for Common Health Problems And Benefits of 9 steps. 
1. For stomach ache : Ginger tea can also be used to treat abdominal pain. Ginger helps to relieve pain and to calm the stomach helps to reduce the effects of tea. At the same time, in this way indirectly, will avoid abdominal pain improves absorption of food.
2. For respiratory problems : Such as congestion and cold ginger tea to relieve breathing problems. This is to facilitate breathing to facilitate the contraction of the respiratory muscles hot and spicy taste.

3. Relieves Pain : Such as ginger muscle pain, spinal pain or back, joint pain, to reduce many types of pain, such as working very well, anti-inflammatory properties, there, Ginger also acts as rheumatoid arthritis and Raynaud.

4. Reduces Menstrual Pain : Ginger tea since ancient times, is a popular folk remedy for menstrual cramps. Old control vessels, they use hot ginger tea cloth for menstrual cramps in women. Hot ginger tea helps reduce inflammation and compress the muscles to relax. Drinking a large glass of ginger tea is a good solution for menstrual cramps.

5. Better to spend: Ginger accelerates in the free press in to help him digest stomach acid. Whether chi in Living In ydych if in problems of indigestion Tym stealth bile in her D That is also the butt. No BUT to Gael removes indigestion that one day the DDA GWP Bob Wills is also sly.
Ginger Tea for Weight Loss

6. Weight Loss Of Fat burner : Ginger acts as a fat burner. If you are on a weight loss program, and then to cut oil, ginger be one of your best friends. Something interesting ginger before you feel full grocery store will help you to feel full. Therefore, to reduce the total amount of calories, it can take less than a full meal.
Appetite stimulant: If you appetite stimulant helps to take ginger in case of producing enough stomach acid, stomach acid helps produce. Not only that, ginger is responsible for pressure, improper digestion would explode.

7. Ginger Tea for Benefits Mouth clean  : Ginger Ale has a lot of uses. Teeth and gums healthy ginger ale and ginger help to keep the property in anti-fungal and anti-bacterial to drink.

8. Immune System Booster :  If you dream of a strong immune system, you need a strong immune system, you can restore quickly in cold, fever, aches, cough such, etc., is a common disease which means that you are less likely to fall.

9. Different Benefits of Ginger  Tea : 
Working for migraines very soothing.
It will help to reduce stress levels.
Ginger reduces nausea and vomiting.
Agents anti-fungal and anti-inflammatory, works well for the fungus.

Saturday, 29 March 2014

How To Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Aloe Vera is a plant that is actually quite amazing. The lily family ( Liliaceae ) and succulent plant parts , are included in the same family as garlic and onions .Different effects on different parts of the plant are used for the body and Aloe Vera , both internal and external applications . I plant the inner gel of aloe juice and even I am delighted to have some of the benefits of the plant amazing excessive use of my desserts, nearly part of this plant , as well as making sure to read dosage recommendations .

Aloe vera , which is approximately 99% water gel - like substance will be filled with clear leaf Aloe vera part of those in a wide range can be used as vitamins , minerals, amino acids , enzymes , polysaccharides , fatty acids and surprisingly more than 200 active content components .

Aloe vera leaf juice and pulp fully natural dietary fiber which is known for improving internal herbal medicine içerir.cilt, cleaning and repair, there are many advantages nutritional drink is swallowed. However, the side effects and can cause adverse reactions and take only as directed. Not made within aloe vera, using, and consult your doctor before self-medicating reason not to. Initially, the properties of organic Aloe Vera belong? Yes, Aloe Vera 20 minerals, 12 vitamins and herbal active ingredients in more than two hundred.

 Health Benefits of Aloe Vera 14 Tips

1. Benefits Immune : A study published in "Journal of Environmental Science and Health," aloe Vera toxins and help the body's immune system to clear invading pathogens, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties, the company says. In addition, aloe Vera, immune system balancing seasonal allergies, rheumatoid arthritis and other inflammatory disorders, autoimmune help reduce the effects.

2. Benefits Health : In the medical journal "Angiology" In a study published in patients with high cholesterol, total fat aloe Vera helps to reduce the levels reported that choice. cleaning inside the aloe Vera also improves blood circulation. This heart arteries and blood clots, help to reduce fatty deposits and cholesterol levels in patients with diabetes Kahn.tutkimus identify major developments, but the exact mechanism is yet to be identified.

3. Digestive Benefits : Aloe Vera, when used externally to improve the skin and helps to calm a food contains compounds. "British Journal General Practice" aloe Vera reduces inflammation and gastrointestinal ulcer healing and repair improves notes issued game. Katsaus the time used in the digestive system, the benefits of the liner are similar. Aloe Vera juice irritable bowel syndrome, colitis, and other inflammatory bowel diseases help to reduce inflammation. In addition, aloe Vera can increase the healthy bacteria in the gut to aid in digestion.
4. Heat Rash : Heat rash is a skin problem also occurs from the extreme heat of the sun. Aloe Vera is used to cool the skin moisturizers. Aloe Vera to keep your skin moist and infection free.

5. Acne Treatment : Acne facial or body man and beautiful woman are the most important consideration. Aloe Vera surely helps you to get rid of acne naturally. Aloe Vera acne or acne to reduce redness and swelling associated with very effectively.

6. Burn Stuff : Aloe Vera magically burn patients improved. A variety of burns, such as sunburn Aloe Vera helps to get help and accidentally burning problems. Also acts as a strong sunburn protection.

7. Dark spots : If you have dark spots on the skin after acne Apply Aloe Vera gel. This black spot on the skin and helps reduce dark spots after acne.

8.  Natural Humidifier : When your skin is dry is an excellent anti-inflammatory, such as lead paint, and our skin, Organic Aloe Vera acts as a natural moisturizer.

9. Strengthens the immune system : Aloe Vera juice daily intake boosts the immune system and promotes anti-aging process increases system etmektedir. bağışıklık Aloe Vera is one of the most important health benefits.

10. Drug interactions : Other herbal supplements, taking aloe Vera internally, maybe the prescription and over-the-counter medications cause harmful interference with. Aloe Vera, according to Kettering Cancer Center Memorial Sloan-, some drugs can prevent or cure. For example, water pills or diuretics for heart problems if you are taking certain diabetes drugs, increase the blood sugar lowering effects and may cause loss of potassium.

11.  Eczema : Aloe Vera has been used as a natural moisturizer for the treatment of eczema. This reduces irritation and inflammation of the skin, acts as an anti-inflammatory.

12. Weight Loss : Daily diet and weight loss combined with exercise to speed up the process by taking aloe juice.

13. Vitamins store : Organic Aloe Vera is rich in vitamins. Such an A, B, C, vitamin E and folic acid, 12. Aloe Vera strengthens the body's defense system sip regularly.

14. Gwallt Aloe : Aloe Vera dyfyniad yn ddefnyddiol ar gyfer gwallt a'u profi. Mae llawer yn rhoi'r gorau i'r defnydd o aloe gynnyrch brand siampŵ. Broblemau gwallt Barcio Nwy, gwallt a chroen y pen iechyd gwallt yn gyffredinol Aloe Vera rhai budd-daliadau iechyd powerus.

Sunday, 23 March 2014

Your Hair Growth Need Vitamins For fundamental 7 Steps

Every people these types of vitamin deficiencyunderlying diseaseand even to many reasons such as genetic causes frustrating to lose their hair ikuisesti. ıhmiset able to maintain healthy haireven though I think it is a source our temporary hairDepending on the type and individuals with certain vitamins work betterand may othersIf you do notthanks to all the medical treatment available placesthen it can expect some vitamins for hair growth to apply.

1 : Biotin. The special diet is designed for regeneration can be essential.

Propecia or Rogaine actually still usually associated with hair loss treatment, health be specified along with. Application to produce biotin, normal hair is essential. Vitamin supplements, organ liver, kidney, egg yolks, mushrooms, nuts, rich meals. However, baldness, people needs to much of it, so really every day, you should have about 3 mg biotin supplement.

2 : Benefit Vitamin D
Several studies, vitamin D is very important for hair growth and hair balding process shows that. Vitamin D also destekler. G re-growth of hair in the first light such eggs, fortified milk, liver, and in foods such as fish and other marine vitamin D so far the best natural sources.

3 : Benefit Vitamin E

To prevent this problem, vitamin E, the most effective and most affordable hair has proven to be! Vitamin E, alpha-tocopherol, known chemically. It is fat-soluble vitamins, health and beauty benefits of vitamin E oil for hair in one summer. Gain attention to a number of advantages.

4 : Benefit Vitamin C

Getting enough vitamin C deficit, weak, dull, and the way the hair tends to break hair growth açabilir.vücut that are essential for the development of collagen, vitamin C is used to build. Vitamin C also iron, hair, helping to cut down the second building block, vitamin C, iron absorption is essential for good.
Cannot make their own vitamin C in the body. It was fantastic and delicious food and all food rich in vitamin C, vitamin C, fennel, citrus fruits, broccoli, red peppers, spinach and foods that have high concentrations drink, therefore, important
The Board of Directors of vitamin C for children ages 9-13 years old, 45 mg / day, which implies about 70 mg / day for young people aged 14-18, and 75 and 90 mg / day for adults.

5 : Benefit Vitamin B12

A vitamin B-12 and other B inadequate dietary cause hair growth and hair loss can prevent normal. Sources of B vitamins in your daily diet hiukset. Loneliness healthy "B12" is based is - so clams, oysters, liver, caviar (fish eggs), fish, crab and lobster, beef, lamb, eggs, and cheese.

However, here are important points for hair loss and growth. According to the medical theory, all of this content, promote hair growth to avoid cutting, removing the need stiffness and other issues related to restoring your hair health. However, these extra amounts of vitamins worse hair, I remember. So, visit a doctor to check your vitamin for hair growth is recommended to consider.

6 : Zinc Improvement, Hair

Zinc stimulates the regeneration of skin cells. Zinc cream to relieve infant diaper rash and sores and is used to heal the wounds. Acne zinc, particularly zinc and affect people in a positive effect on psoriasis and dermatitis has been reported to have been shown to be effective in treating problems.

7 : Iron Mineral Improvement, Hair

Lack of iron, iron deficiency can cause hair loss and damage. Which is rich in minerals, many common foods. You basically have the iron very dark green leafy vegetables, whole grains, soy, lentils, and you can eat.

Saturday, 22 March 2014

10 Way to Get Rid Of a Hagover

Sometimes people get rid of their hayatında hangover most , suffering from a hangover . They drink , they had a lot of fun and felt good , amaerte there for days nausea , headache TV oturdureality . Notes that are not going to do this again , holding his head with his hands while sitting there, at the moment , you wonder how to get rid of a hangover , so I feel better.

While nursing a hangover seemed like such a good night last night , something Miert much of the day you may find yourself wondering how to make you feel bad . Faster than normal cells , causing you to lose water content Ondiureet alcohol . As a result , this thirst , I want to drink more to get rid of thirst until it was done to create thirst cells dry. The state of dehydration from drinking alcohol body cells currently feel headache , stomach discomfort , nausea and fatigue that can be caused .

1 : To prevent before it happens

The best way to get rid of a hangover is to get first . To do this , start drinking before leaving on a high fat content further, you need to spend a lot of starchy foods . In addition , five and fifty- five raw almonds before drinking to reduce . Foods fried food , pizza , grease slower , who sit on twelve hours or more benefits to steak jne.rasva . You need to eat your stomach , as it will drink on an empty stomach will help slow down the .

2 : Drink plenty of fluids

To be the root cause of dehydration hangover from body cells, the body's cells, so it is important to drink enough water to moisten again. Dehydration usually why he has the mouth and headache. If you get drunk, it can be difficult to remember to do that, but when you wake up in the morning and again before bedtime should drink plenty of water. The ability to do this helps to speed up recovery from a hangover. Moreover, water or Gatorade immediate need to add a pinch of salt and sugar. In addition, fruit juice, sour milk, energy drinks, herbal teas, decaffeinated coffee or other drinks, non-carbonated and caffeinated beverage that is not as far as you can drink. Just to clean up your system and will help to motivate the need for something to drink your body. 

3 : Eating bacon sandwich

If you have stomach fat meal uneasy, the last thing you want to eat bacon sandwiches, but there are some great benefits to eliminate hangovers. Food also hiilihydraatteja.proteiini good and filled with protein and carbohydrates nopeammin.peko the bread is a good source in the body all the remaining alcohol to remove help increase your metabolism helping you normally tarvitsee.krapul body of drinking too much alcohol to drink cause neurotransmitters and amino acids that break down chemicals and contact information remains in the body to restore and neurotransmitters in the brain which helps achieve a aivot.peko amino acids high.

4 : Sugar

You see the stock break down sugar in the liver as a result of sugar alcohol is being replaced by reserves of the body must be assured. They can not replace you continue to feel faint and dizzy. Do not eat a spoonful of sugar, fruit sugar, but your body needs to get water, cookies, cakes, donuts, etc.

5 : Exercise

Working off a hangover by taking a brisk walk, jog or run to take a long bike ride, doing aerobics, going to the gym and working out, swimming. Get the juices flowing and any type of exercise will make you feel refreshed, although perhaps a little tired. When you exercise, your body sweats out the toxins that have accumulated.

6 : Sleep

The answer home in one very easy to use. Because of nausea, headaches and fatigue felt, you can find all you want to sleep. It requires your body to ensure restoration of the brain sleep cycle, REM (rapid eye movement) cycle of the body, I have not had a chance to get most of the time. Most of the time you get enough sleep after a hangover, or if there are no equally strong.

7 : A shower or bath

You may not feel it, but you wake up in the shower or hot water to raise ammeessa.tunn even your body. Instead of a hot shower, hot and cold water will help you feel better change. If you decide to take a hot bath, it helps to eliminate toxins from the body becomes. You can also add 2-3 tablespoons wasabi water bath to release toxins from the body, helps blood cells and promotes blood circulation, oxygenation. Usually sushi with spicy green wasabi paste. 

8 : Ginger

Ginger small bite vomiting / nausea occurs.
In addition, 1,150 pieces of fresh ginger and boil four cups of water. Boil, strain the ginger pieces and half a cup of honey, juice of half a lemon and add the orange juice. The mixture to stabilize blood sugar levels will help.
Water to make ginger ale, sugar, lemon juice and ginger juice mixture.
To make tea or juice you have no time, five hundred milligrams per capsule to take one.
One half cup of boiling water, grated ginger and ginger tea by adding one teaspoon of structure. The ginger flavor is very strong with a bit of honey for you for ten minutes, strain and waiting for the season.

9 : Eat a banana

A Lopettaminen.bana area of your body to eat a banana helps relieve headaches and nausea at the same time you feel it can help to ease the loss of fructose drink containing magnesium and potassium help to fill.

10 : Vitamin and mineral supplements

To strengthen physical endurance and alertness mental supplement ginseng. You can help detoxify the liver, dandelion root and milk thistle supplements you can take root. Alcohol food system so that you can get, so make sure to take calcium and magnesium supplements cause you to lose. That can help you to quickly recover the remains acidophilus other vitamins, vitamin C, and vitamin B all types